What Makes Varithena Different

Varithena is minimally invasive and doesn’t involve surgical vein stripping, eliminating the associated risks. You avoid general anesthesia, sedation and incisions. Varithena does not require multiple injections to numb the treatment site, unlike most thermal procedures, and doesn’t leave permanent foreign bodies behind after treatment.


The gentle, noninvasive treatment requires just one or two sticks for a treatment.

Minimal downtime

Most often, people can go back to doing many activities the very same day as treatment.

Fast Procedures

The entire procedure usually takes less than an hour.

Short treatment process

Most people only need one treatment to see results. In Varithena pivotal trials, only 3.4% of patients needed to re-treat an area included in the initial treatment session.1

Insurance coverage

Insurance carriers may cover treatment. Coverage may depend on the severity of the varicose veins and symptoms. Your physician’s office may be able to help you understand your coverage.

A Patient's Journey